Monthly Archives: August 2007

One (Customer) Number

Ron’s post Why Do Marketer’s Test? reminded me of an incident that keeps repeating itself. 

The presentation I do as part of the Web Analytics BaseCamp includes a section on the importance of measuring marketing success at the customer level as opposed to the campaign level.  Then I get this question: “If you were to measure just “one customer number” what would that be? 

Putting aside all the reasons why measuring one customer metric is a faulty approach for the moment, I reply “Percent Active”, meaning:

What percent of customers have initiated some kind of transaction with you in the past 12 months, or 24 months if you are highly seasonal?  Higher percentage is better.

Initiated being the key concept.  Just because someone is “balance active” or is receiving a statement doesn’t mean they are “Active”, or if you prefer, “Engaged”.  And for some businesses, for example utilities or help desks, a lower percentage will be better – the lower the percentage of customers who have initiated a trouble call or a billing problem, the better.  “Transaction” can be most anything, define it for your business – what generates profit or cost for you?  That’s a good place to start, among other things like inquiries and so forth.  Adjust for your business, keep it simple. 

If you don’t sell anything, consider shortening the 12 month window.  If you are a highly interactive business and depend on that interactivity as a business model (MySpace, Facebook) consider using 3 months.

It is truly amazing to me how many folks don’t know what this number is for their business.  And often, truly shocking to them when they find out what the number is.  I have seen their faces.

This number is so simple to calculate and track, and simple to measure success against, why don’t people have it?  It’s a very powerful predictor of the future health of a business.  It’s like a searchlight showing you the way, giving you the head’s up when things are not right in customer land.  All this crap about being customer centric and not one number to fly by, it’s really pretty sad.

All I can conclude is folks simply don’t want to know what the number is.  Am I wrong? 

Why don’t you know this number for your business, or why doesn’t your boss care about this number?  I want to hear all the excuses and have a list of them right here so we can refer to them in the future!

PRIZM Clusters Not as Predictive as Behavior

Jim answers more questions from fellow Drillers

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PRIZM Clusters Not as Predictive as Behavior

Q:  I am on an interesting project (and my first DB Mktg one): the client has a large loyalty program, and loves his PRIZM clusters.  However, when I told him a little more about Recency and suggest that we spread all members across based on it, he was surprised to see that his PRIZM segments were not a predictive indicator at all!

A:  Yes, and here is something many people don’t realize about PRIZM and other geo-demo programs, including census-driven.  They were developed for site location – where should I put my Burger King, where should I put my mall? They are incredibly useful for this.  However, think about all the sample size discussions for web analytics related to A/B testing, and now imagine what your PRIZM cluster looks like.

In most cases, you are talking about 1 or maybe 2 records in a geo location – what is the likelihood these households reflect the overall “label” of the PRIZM cluster?  Combine this with the fact that for customer analysis, demographics are generally descriptive or suggestive but not nearly as predictive as behavior and you have a bit of a mess.

Here’s a test for you.  It only requires rough knowledge of your neighbors, so should not be very difficult (for most people!)

1.  What is your “demographic”?
2.  If you were to walk around the block and knock on doors, how many households would you find that are “in your demographic”?

Right.  Maybe a handful, unless you live in a brand new housing development or other special situation.  Now think about walking your zip code, or walking out 10 blocks or so from your house in any direction, and knocking on doors.  Do you find most of these people are in the same demographic as you are?  Did you ever find the “cluster average” neighbor?

We certainly know from web analytics that dealing with “averages” can be very dangerous indeed.  So too with taking a demographic “average” of a zip or other area and tying it to a specific household.  The model falls apart at the household level of granularity.

So now what to you think of all those websites and services that claim to know demographics based on a zip code they captured?

Now, if you think about an e-commerce database, with most records being one of a very few in a zip or cluster, you can see how the cluster demos would really break down at the household level.

Again, nothing wrong with using these geo-demo programs for what they were intended to be used for.  When you are looking for a mall location or doing urban planning they can be very helpful.  But the match rates at the individual household level are poor.

Couple this with the fact that e-commerce folks are usually looking for behavior from customers, and the fact demographics are not generally predictive of behavior by themselves, and you have yourself analytical stew.

Better than nothing?  Absolutely, and for customer acquisition, sometimes all you can get.  Best you can be?  Not if you have the behavioral records of customers.  In fact, what we often see is a skew in the demographics being called “predictive” when the underlying behaviorals are driving action.

In other words, let’s say a series of campaigns generates buyers with a particular demo skew.  A high percentage of these Recent responders then respond to the next promotion.  If you look just at the demos, you would see a trend and declare the demos are “predictive” of response, even though they are incidental to the underlying Recency behavior.

I suspect something like this was going on with your client.  Not looking at behavior, over time the client becomes convinced that the PRIZM clusters are predictive, when for some reason they are simply coincident in a way with the greater power of the behavioral metrics.  Given the client has behavioral data, that should be the first line of segmentation.

Q:  After reading you for some years, I now understand how one must be very careful with psycho-demographics.

A:  Well, at least one person is listening!  And now you have seen how this works right before your very own eyes.

I think this situation is really a function of Marketers in general being “brought up” in the world of branding / customer acquisition.  Most Marketers come up through the ranks “buying media” or some other marketing activity that focuses on demographics to describe the customer.  And most of the college courses and reading material available focus on this function, so even the IT-oriented folks in online marketing end up learning that demographics are really important. And they can be, when you don’t know anything about your target.

Then the world flips upside down on you, and now people are looking at customer marketing, and that’s a whole different ballgame.  The desired outcome is “action” that can be measured and the “individual” is the source of that outcome, as opposed to “impressions” and “audience”. 

In the past, if your tried and true weapon of choice for targeting was  demographics, that is what you reach for as you enter into the customer marketing battle. Problem is, it’s just not the best weapon for that particular marketing engagement.


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More Tips on Evaluating Research

To continue with this previous post…other things to look for when evaluating research:

Discontinuous Sample – I don’t know if there is a scientific word for this (experts, go ahead and comment if so), but what I am referring to here is the idea of setting out the parameters of a sample and then sneaking in a subset of the sample where the original parameters are no longer true.  This is extremely popular in press about research.

Example:  A statement is made at the beginning of the press release regarding the population surveyed.  Then, without blinking an eye, they start to talk about the participants, leaving you to believe the composition of participants reflects the original population.  In most cases, this is nuts, especially when you are talking about sending an e-mail to 8000 customers and 100 answer the survey. 

Sometimes it works the other way, they will slip in something like, “50% of the participants said the main focus of their business was an e-commerce site”, which does not in any way imply that 50% of the population (4000 of 8000) are in the e-commerce business.  Similarly, if you knew what percent of the 8000 were in the e-commerce business, then you could get some feeling for whether the participant group of 100 was biased towards e-commerce or not.

Especially in press releases, watch out for these closely-worded and often intentional slights of hand describing the actual segments of participants.  They are often written using language that can be defended as a “misunderstanding” and often you can find the true composition of participants in the source documentation to prove your point. 

The response to your digging and questioning of the company putting out the research will likely be something like, “the press misunderstood the study”, but at least you will know what the real definitions of the segments are.

Get the Questions – if a piece of research really seems to be important to your company and you are considering purchasing it, make sure the full report contains all the research questions. 

I can’t tell you how many times I have matched up the survey data with the sequencing and language of the questions and found bias built right into the survey.  Creating (and administering, for that matter) survey questions and sequencing them is a scientific endeavor all by itself.  There are known pitfalls and ways to do it correctly, and people who do research for a living understand all of this.  It’s very easy to get this part of the exercise wrong and it can fundamentally affect the survey results.

So, in summary, go ahead and “do research” by e-mailing customers or popping up questionnaires, or read about research in the press, but realize there is a whole lot more going on in statistically significant, actionable research than meets the eye, and most of the stuff you read in the press in nothing more than a Focus Group.

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with a Focus Group, as long as you realize that is what you have.