Social TV

I’ve spoken in the past about our local CBS affiliate WTSP-10 and their Moms Tampa Bay effort as a great example of “old media” that gets Social and has created something quite powerful using that ‘ol stick of theirs.

WTSP’s 6 PM newscast now features “news pics” sent in by viewers in almost every show.  They headline the story, run through the video they have, and on the way out, the anchor says,

“Here’s some pictures of the scene sent in by our viewers”.

Nice effort to be more interactive.  If I was going to Optimize it, I’d like to see it a bit more personalization, which increases the prep time, of course.  But it would be nice to hear the anchor say “Jody in Seminole sent us this picture” or something similar. 

Continue reading Social TV

Marketing Bands: the Numbers

(A post by post index of this Marketing Bands Series is here.)

Just wanted to add a quick piece about the results of Optimizing the Bands (see Band Model) – this is the Marketing Productivity Blog after all!  Thanks Moe for the reminder

As we Optimized, there were changes in budget allocation by Band, and as a result there was an increase in Net Customer Value – the goal of the Optimization program in the first place.  For those of you not following the whole story, the budget remained constant, we simply allocated it to the highest and best use through testing.

Continue reading Marketing Bands: the Numbers

Optimizing End of LifeCycle (Bands 6 – 8)

In the Band 5 Optimization for HSN, we looked for high ROMI special situations in the database.  This is really classic database marketing stuff, you’re looking for segments, and you’re looking for ways to Optimize those segments.  You could spend the rest of a career doing this kind of thing; there are always new segments like FIPS being revealed if you have an active analytical staff.

There were other programs in Band 5 based primarily on product-related transition phases in the LifeCycle; I won’t go into these here.  If you are interested in these ideas, I wrote one detailed example, which combines Customer Experience Management / Band 3 – Customer Comment Analysis / Math / Product / Marketing right here.

Continue reading Optimizing End of LifeCycle (Bands 6 – 8)