Category Archives: Web Analytics

Analyze, Not Justify

Does this issue affect the Web Analytics Maturity Model?

A conference call with a Potential Client last week jogged my memory on a couple of events that happened during the flurry of Web Analytics conferences this Spring.  Here’s a portion of the call…

PC: “We’ve tried proving the profitability of our Marketing efforts and can’t seem to get the numbers working correctly.  So Jim, what we’d like you to do is take all this data we have, and justify the Marketing decisions we’ve made by proving out the ROI.”

Jim: “I’m sorry, did you say justify?  To me, justify means “find a way to prove it works”.  Is that what you are asking me to do?  Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to analyze the results, and then optimize your Marketing based on these results?”

PC: “Jim, around here we’re pretty clear our Marketing works, and Management knows this.  But Finance is asking for some backup, some numbers to justify the spend, not to analyze it.  We don’t need analysis, we need your ‘expert credibility’ to help us out with this.”

Jim: “I see,” thinking this is not a job I’m going to enjoy.  It’s the old ‘buy an outside expert’ routine, which I detest.

PC: “Jim, the team is united behind this mission, are you on board?”

Jim: “Well, perhaps I could be on board, as long as what you want is an analysis, which may also justify the decisions you have made.  But it might not, so I just want to be clear on what…”

PC: “You  know what Jim?  I don’t feel we’re going to have a fit here, I’m getting you’re not a team player.  Thanks for your time”.  CLICK

Sigh.  I’m actually grateful they hung up, I really dislike explaining to people why I won’t work with them.

Continue reading Analyze, Not Justify

Hacking the RFM Model

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Q: First of all thank you for your help.  I have some questions I would be pleased if you answer them for me.

A: No problem!

Q: 1. RFM analysis – is it possible to use some other ranking technique rather than quintiles Using quintiles for bigger databases will cause many tied values, isn’t it a problem?

A: Sure, you can use it any way it works best for you. There is no “magic” behind quintiles, you can use deciles or whatever works best. It’s the idea of ranking by Recency, Frequency, and Value that is the key concept in the model.

I’ve seen dozens and perhaps hundreds of variations on the core RFM model, depending on how you classify a “variation”. One change that’s common is changing the scaling, as you mention above, to accommodate the size of the database. Smaller databases use quartiles or even tertiles. Larger databases, choose the ordered distribution that meets the need.

Continue reading Hacking the RFM Model

eMetrics “ShootOuts” We’d Like to See

I was in Vancouver for a presentation to CAUCE [kay-yoose, thanks Raquel] and was able to grab a quick dinner with fellow WAA BaseCamp stakeholders Andrea Hadley, Raquel Collins, and Braden HoeppnerWe’re rolling out a new 2-day format for BaseCamp and got to talking about web analytics education in general. 

We started talking audience segmentation and content at the eMetrics Summit, and specifically the “shootout” format from the old days.  You know, 10 vendors on the stage at the same time taking questions from the audience.  Those sessions were both educational and hilarious at the same time, as the vendors side-swiped each other on topics like accuracy, how visitors are counted, cookie structures, and so forth.

But that was back when the technology was in flux, and now that issue has settled down a lot.  Braden brought up the concept of returning the “shootout format”, but more on the business side.  You know, get some practitioners, vendors, and consultants up on stage and have them thrash out stuff like:

1.  Attribution – does it really make sense to even bother with attribution at the impression / click level when there is often not a strong correlation to profit?  I mean, just because someone sees or clicks on an ad does not mean the ad had a positive effect; in fact, it may have had a negative effect.  Why not go straight to action or profit attribution, instead of using creative accounting?

Continue reading eMetrics “ShootOuts” We’d Like to See