Out of the Wharton School we have a nice piece of behavioral research on the effect speed of Adoption has on longer-term commitment. The article, The Long-term Downside of Overnight Success, describes research finding “the adoption velocity has a negative effect on the cumulative number of adopters”.
This research dovetails nicely with a lot of the topics discussed here on the blog lately, so I thought I’d use it (with a nod to Godin’s post on Strategy vs. Tactics today) to provide some fodder for thought.
First, the importance of Psychology in Marketing. So many of the “discoveries” arrived at through brute force testing of Online Advertising are already well known in the greater discipline of Marketing through Psychology. For more on this read “The Other 3P’s” and if you’d like to do something about lack of knowledge in this area, make sure to read this comment on source books.
Second, this research is a great example of isolating the true drivers of behavior. The idea of looking at baby names to isolate the real behavior from “technology and other commercial effects” while including “symbolic meaning about identity” results in a broad, Strategic-level answer to the question, not a Tactical one.
Why is this important? It means the results can be applied across a host of different Marketing situations, rather than only a specific one.