Category Archives: Digital Analytics

New RFM: Managing Customer Value Like an Investment Portfolio

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Topic Overview

Hi again folks, Jim Novo here.

Do you manage your own investments in the stock market? If you do, you probably have used technical indicators like moving average of prices or up / down volume balances or similar to make investment decisions. And if so, guess what? This approach to investment portfolio management is very similar to the management of customer value, it’s really all about the metrics and the source of changes to those metrics. We can so some Drilling’ if you like …

Q:  I have been enjoying reading your tutorials.  I am interested in the financial planning market particularly and have developed an application for segmentation of market and clients by attitudinal factors.  Having provided my clients (advisers) with the tools to turn the qualitative data into quantitative measures and slice and dice their client base appropriately, the next question from them is “How do I use this and what to do with the information?.”

A:  You betcha, that’s the hard part.  A common question when people get into analysis; the “what do I do with this” should come first so the metrics produce an actionable outcome…

Q:  I would be interested in providing links on my web space to access your papers and content. Do you have any content or case study examples for marketing and client servicing for the financial planning industry?

A:  Well, I don’t think I have a page on my site specifically on this area, but let’s create one, OK?  I’ll include this example on my blog and it will go up on my site.

Characteristics and attitudes are interesting but frequently not particularly actionable because they are not “behaviors.”  When people speak of “doing something,” they are typically thinking of increasing or decreasing a behavior of the customer.  If you are trying to figure out what to do about a behavior, you really need to use behavioral metrics, which will tell you “who” to do something to and “when” you should do it for best results.

Continue reading New RFM: Managing Customer Value Like an Investment Portfolio

New RFM: Using RFM to Improve Email Profit

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Topic Overview

Hi again folks, Jim Novo here.

Traditional RFM execution is focused on giving a snapshot view of customer likelihood to respond / campaign profitability across large and varied customer databases. But is that all it can be used for? Heck no! If you understand the basics of how and why RFM works, and you understand your customer database, there’s a ton of different very valuable customer scoring operations you can accomplish. Interested? Get out the Drillin’ tools …

Q: I recently purchase your book “Drilling Down.” Really enjoying reading it!

A: Well, thanks for the kind words!

Q: I had a question about the implementation of the RFM model against email campaigns. Say we have a client that has done this:

  • Sent out 2 emails to entire database – in June and July
  • Sent out 3 targeted emails to a specific segment of database – in June, July and Aug

From my CTR and Open Rates I know that the targeted segment performance is better. For my scoring I am using the following:

  • Recency, last email responded to, and
  • Frequency, number of emails where an action (a click-thru) was taken

So the question is when trying to apply an Recency / Frequency RF score to the entire database, do you / can you use all 5 email programs? Would Recency include the email to the specific segment in August? Would frequency include the segment that received the email in August?

A:  The fact you are asking this question tells me you understand the methods better than you think you do.  The correct answer is yes, and no, depending on the objective of the scoring. As long as you **understand** that there is the potential for the marketing to the target segment to skew the scoring of the overall group, then you are thinking about the problem correctly.  Whether you decide to do the scoring as “everybody” or you score the targeted segment and then score “everybody else” separately really depends on what you are trying to accomplish / the objective of the effort.

Continue reading New RFM: Using RFM to Improve Email Profit

RFM and Customer LifeCycles

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Topic Overview

Hi again folks, Jim Novo here.

Today we have a bit of confusion between RFM modeling and tracking Customer Lifecycles. Each has benefits and downsides, but the most important idea is to make sure you know what each is best at. Make sense? Let’s do the Drillin’ …

Q:  I have a small sampling of the RFM scores that correspond to the various lifecycle stages.  For instance, 111 & 112 correspond to the acquisition stage, 333 & 443 to the growth stage, etc.  However, I’m looking for a complete listing of all 125 possible RFM scores and their corresponding lifecycle stages.

Can you please send this my way?

A: Wow, I certainly hope you didn’t get this idea from me; if you did, I have done a terrible job of explaining something somewhere. I would be very interested in the source of this idea, that a LifeCycle stage can correspond to a single RFM code or score.

An RFM code or score is the ranking of a single customer against all other customers for likelihood to respond and future value at a specific point in time. High scores equal high future value; low scores equal low future value.

A single RFM score represents this ranking at a fixed point in time – the day the scores were created. There is no “cycle,” which implies “over time,” inherent in an RFM code. Only if you knew the previous RFM code or sequence of codes could you imply a “LifeCycle stage”. This is, of course, what my book is about – using a modified version of RFM to track and profitably act on customer LifeCycle behavior. If you know the LifeCycle, you can predict behavior. If you can predict behavior, you can dramatically improve marketing ROI.

Continue reading RFM and Customer LifeCycles