Category Archives: DataBase Marketing

Segmentation by LTD & LifeCycle

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Q: One of the first things I am doing in my new job is to identify the Customer Lifecycle pattern – how many periods (month, year) will it be before a customer is likely buy again.  In enterprise software industry, where software cost easily 6 figures, # of years is a reasonable time frame.

A: Yes, one would assume this.  But these notions would most likely be based on a feeling of the “average” behavior, and on average, it probably does take a long time.

What is not known is this:  if the “average” is composed of short-cycle and long-cycle buyers, who are the short cycle buyers, and what are they like?  What industry SIC code, for example?  And can we get more of them, or at least focus more resources on them, if they are the most profitable?  So the challenge is not only to look for the “average”, but then understand how this average is composed.  If you can break down the average by industry, or by salesperson, for example, this might be highly directional information.

Q: From my internal analysis, however, I discerned from the sales figures something quite counterintuitive – the period between first and next sale is much shorter than I would have thought for the SW industry in general.

Continue reading Segmentation by LTD & LifeCycle

LTV, RFM, LifeCycles – the Framework

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Q: I visited your website because I am trying to understand how to develop a customer LifeTime Value model for the company that I work at.  The reason is we are looking at LTV as a way to standardize the ROI measurement of different customer programs.

Not all of these programs are Marketing, some are Service, and some could be considered “Operations”.  But they all touch the customer, so we were thinking changes in customer value might be a common way to measure and compare the success of these programs.

A: Absolutely!  I just answered a question very much like this the other day, it’s great that people are becoming interested in customer value as the cross-enterprise common denominator for understanding success in any customer program!

If I am the CEO, I control dollars I can invest. How do I decide where budget is best invested if every silo uses different metrics to prove success?  And even worse, different metrics for success within the same silo?

By establishing changes in customer value as the platform for all customer-related programs to be measured against, everyone is on an equal footing and can “fight” fairly for their share of the budget (or testing?) pie.  By using controlled testing, customers can be exposed to different treatments and lift in value can be compared on an apples to apples basis – even if you are comparing the effect of a Marketing Campaign to changes in the Service Center.

Continue reading LTV, RFM, LifeCycles – the Framework

Control Groups in Small Populations

Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)

Q: Thank you for your recent article about Control Groups.  Our organization launched an online distance learning program this past August, and I’ve just completed some student behavior analysis for this past semester.

Using weekly RF-Scores based on Recently and Frequently they’ve logged in to courses within the previous three weeks, I’m able to assess their “Risk Level”– how likely they are to stop using the program.  We had a percentage who discontinued the program, but in retrospect, their login behavior and changes in their login behavior gave strong indication they were having trouble before they completely stopped using it.

A: Fantastic!  I have spoken with numerous online educators about this application of Recency – Frequency modeling, as well online research subscriptions, a similar behavioral model.  All reported great results predicting student / subscriber defection rates.

Q: I’m preparing to propose a program for the upcoming semester where we contact students by email and / or phone when their login behavior gives indication that they’re having trouble.  My hope is that by proactively contacting these students, we can resolve issues or provide assistance before things escalate to the point they defect completely.

A: Absolutely, the yield (% students / revenue retained) on a project like this should be excellent.  Plus, you will end up learning a lot about “why”, which will lead to better executions of the “potential dropout” program the more you test it.

Continue reading Control Groups in Small Populations