Jim answers questions from fellow Drillers
(More questions with answers here, Work Overview here, Index of concepts here)
Q: I received this article (Norms of Reciprocity, measuring value of Social Marketing) via a friend’s Twitter account. Very interesting.
A: Glad you enjoyed it!
Q: It has made open up my ACT! database, and my Outlook databases and add the metric of Growing / Strong / Weakening / Failed to my normal Sales and Business progress metrics. If I group those categories and correlate to traditional metrics, it’s impressive how they reflect each other.
A: Yes, most people are surprised. It’s a very, very simple idea that seems to work across just about any human activity including crime, attendance, and so forth.
The more Recently someone has done something, the more likely they are to do it again. Conversely, the longer since an activity last took place, the less likely the person will do it again. Often called Recency in Psychology and studied quite a bit.
Q: Now I have to think about how I really use and apply this. : )
A: Well, if I can guess you are in Sales from your title, typically one of the best applications is in what Strategic Marketing folks might call “allocation of resources”, which probably translates into “lead nurturing” for you.
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